How was your 2024?
Did you end up better than you thought you would, with momentum headed into 2025?
Did you basically do a redo of 2023 and find yourself in a similar place?
Or did you fall behind and you’re still looking for how to catch up?
There are no wrong answers.
I love the end of the year because it’s a perfect time to reflect on the last 365 days, get real about what happened, and use that improve yourself in the new year.
Whether you feel like you crushed it this year…
Or it left a lot to be desired…
Here’s my advice on how to make 2025 your comeback year (and find massive momentum from wherever you are).
Right now is the best time to start thinking about the new year.
So in this letter I’m going to share with you the 3 things I’m doing right now to all but guarantee that 2025 is a HUGE winning year for me.
I hope it helps you too.
My 2025 strategy
I’ve spent a lot of time already doing what I’m about to show you.
And it has resulted in an extreme clarity on WHAT to focus on in the new year to:
→ Grow my business
→ Grow my audience
→ Grow my self
I believe with 100% confidence that my business will double in the next year.
And this week I’m pulling back the curtain on exactly how I plan to do it.
(So you can steal it from me if you want)
I’ll be going LIVE tomorrow for my last workshop of the year.
And then I’m hunkering down for the next couple weeks to spend time with my wife and kids.
If you want to learn my exact business and content strategy for 2025, go register for the workshop here.
Now let’s get into it.
1. The next two weeks make all the difference
Yes, I know it’s not even 2025 yet, but I’m here to tell you:
What you do in the next 2 weeks can completely change how your 2025 turns out.
A lot of people out there want to tell you to hustle and grind your way through the new year in order to “start the year off right”.
But can I offer a different approach?
→ What if starting the year off right wasn’t about burning yourself out going into it?
→ What if what you need right now, more than action, is clarity?
→ What if you could take some time to come up with a 10x dream, instead of continuing the 2x grind?
As entrepreneurs we often get caught up in the belief that the fastest path to success is more work, more effort, more productivity… more MORE.
But in the pursuit of more.. you lose the magic that comes from less.
For the next 2 weeks, give yourself “space for grace.”
Trust that there is an idea, a strategy, a plan inside of you that is far greater than anything you’ve thought of yet.
It’s been buried by constant work and hustle.
And the way to let it out is by letting go.
I’m not saying you have to spend all day sitting around doing nothing (although you might if you want!)
But wherever you’re at, give yourself the space to enjoy the next 2 weeks.
And watch the lightning bolt of inspiration strike.
2. Forget the result, and crush the process
If you’re like me, you’re probably going into 2025 with an idea of what you want to achieve.
And if you’re not sure yet, you will be within the next two weeks if you follow step #1.
So now can I share with you the actual key to achieving it?
Whether you want to:
→ Increase your bench press 1RM
→ Add 5 points to your bottom line
→ Go deeper in your relationship
You wont get there by focusing on the result you want.
But rather by focusing on the steps that will get you there.
So do this:
- Write out 1–3 things, which done consistently, will likely lead your to the end result you desire.
- Create a plan for implementing them consistently (put them on calendar, add reminders, tell other people, etc.)
- Celebrate yourself along the way for doing the process (not just when you achieve the result)
For example if your goal is goal is to get fit…
Your process might be to go to the gym 3x a week.
And you should celebrate yourself for every week you do that.
This is how you fall in love with the process.
(And forget the result, because you can’t control what happens, you can only control what you do)
That way you’ll make it way more likely you actually achieve (or exceed) the result.
Try it.
3. Reevaluate regularly
Want to see a HUGE comeback in 2025?
Do this right now:
→ Open your phone
→ Go to reminders
→ Create a new reminder for March 31st, 2025
→ Add a link to this newsletter to re-read
One of the most overlooked parts of setting and achieving goals is reevaluating them with updated intel.
You will know things 3 months from now that you don’t know right now.
So to stick with the exact same goal and process that you set 3 months ago, when you had less information, is insanity.
As we make progress toward our goals, we will often gain insight that show us a better path or a better goal that we simply couldn’t see when we started.
Allow it.
Make 2025 your year
I hope this letter gives you a practical guide to seeing a real comeback in 2025.
Remember, you have everything you need to get where you want to go.
The key is just walking the path with intention.
If you want a head start on your business and content strategy for 2025, don’t forget to register for my workshop tomorrow (my last one this year!)
I’ll give you the step by step process I’m implementing starting now.
See you there 👊